My Report on FB Photo-Tagging Got Serious FB Traction

I’m not Kim Kardashian, so it’s not like my image is my brand, but I do like having control of how my image is used. Meaning: I hate being tagged or having my photo posted on other people’s social media walls without permission. Lame? Maybe. Perhaps it is because I just don’t like having my picture taken. Occasionally, sure. Do I take a lot of photos from my iPhone sure… Continue reading

Check Out Living Healthy

Screen Shot 2015-01-24 at 3.32.54 PM For whatever reason, I fell into writing about health and fitness more than most other topics. I write about wine and TV and lots of other things I’m interested in, but the majority of my work (particularly the books I write) is about health, it seems. I’ve always been curious about the latest discussion… Continue reading

Two Books I Collaborated on Are Out in February

Screen Shot 2015-01-24 at 3.45.23 PMFortunately for me, I have the opportunity to work with some amazing people who I might not otherwise have met in life had I not been hired to help them with their books. In February, I have two books out that I worked on with some pretty cool women. One is a memoir by Patricia… Continue reading

O Magazine’s Wellness Issue

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It’s tough work, but somebody has to do it. Massage, acupuncture and the Alexander Technique. I tested them all… Continue reading

My Contribution to O’s WOW! List.

slide3aa My contribution to O Magazine’s WOW! Issue in August, featuring 50 things you can’t live without. I can’t live without the Sweaty Bands. I was an early adopter back when they were sold in little shops. Now, Sweaty Bands are big business. Still, they pack the same punch. You could stand in 100-mile-an-hour winds and these suckers wouldn’t come… Continue reading

Watch Full Episodes of Pushing It Here

Screen Shot 2013-06-14 at 3.00.18 PMCatch up with the antics of Skoog and her clients on CoziTV’s Pushing It. I created and EP’d this show. Click to watch Episode ONE and Episode TWO. Enjoy. And let me know what you think! Do you think Jen R and Mike will be ready when the baby arrives? Should Rachel S be… Continue reading

Marathon Training: 2.0

I’ll be chronicling my second attempt to get to the starting line of the New York Marathon in an occasional post in the Wall Street Journal‘s city blog, Metropolis. This is the first post in the series. In between WSJ post, I’ll add some here. Would love to hear your training tips as well. Find me on Twitter @StephieKrik

New Service Available: Writing Coach

I always say that everybody has a book in them somewhere, but dragging it from their heads to the page is daunting. That’s where I come in. When I work with my celeb clients on their books, my single most valuable skill isn’t my writing. It’s my curiosity. I ask them questions, in essence dragging that book out of their heads and getting it onto the page. I make them… Continue reading

I Created A Reality TV Show!

PUSHINGIT_BANNER_JENNYsmallI’d like to introduce you to my latest project: Pushing It, a reality show airing on NBC’s CoziTV starting in June. It features celeb-trainer Jenny Skoog and three of her driven clients. One has just had a baby, one is about to give birth and one is considering getting pregnant. Jenny is kicking their butts and organizing their lives… Continue reading

Tony Bennett, The Boss and…Me Walk Into a Theater

Oh yeah, that’s right. I got my big interview with Bruce Springsteen. Okay. It wasn’t big. I snuck in one quick question. And he answered it. But it was very exciting none-the-less. He, along with Tony Bennett (totally different outfit than Bruce’s) and slew of stars, came out for the premiere of “Lilyhammer” a Netflix Original Series.
Champagne and popcorn, classic combination, were served pre-screening and crab cakes and… Continue reading

Quick Tips on Writing a Non-Fiction Book Proposal

I’m a ghostwriter so I’m asked often how one goes about putting a book together. If it’s a memoir and your name isn’t Snooki, you might have to write the entire book in order to shop it. With fiction, you have to write the entire book. But for non-fiction, generally speaking, you have to write a solid proposal. From there, you have to find an agent who likes it… Continue reading

Is Talking Still A No-No?

I haven’t stepped foot in a library in, well…I’m going to say a decade, but I think it has been longer than that. Today, in between meetings and deadlines, however, I was in need of some wifi – stat. As I bolted up and down the streets looking for a not-so-crazy-crowded Starbucks I spotted the New York Public Library near Bryant Park. Not the giant, beautiful building on Fifth, but… Continue reading

People Who Drink Moet Also Litter?

So, I’ve come to accept that I live on a street that is constantly full of litter. I watch in horror people who throw Coke cans or empty coffee cups on the street as they walk by. In the morning, if it’s pre-super- sweeping-time, the street is littered with the remnants of last night’s dinners – boxes, containers, napkins, chicken bones, empties, melted ice creams (reserved for my stoop it… Continue reading

Season Finales – Still Catching Up

When I lived in London, pre-DVR days, pre-online viewing options, I had someone taping – on VHS tapes – Sopranos, Sex and The City and Law and Order. They used to ship them en masse to me there from the states and I’d dedicate a full day to watching back to back episodes of one particular show. It was my own personal marathon. I loved and still love watching TV… Continue reading

May Sweeps Not Sweeping Me

As a self-diagnosed TV junkie, I admit, most Mays are spent sitting in front of the tube nightly. Social life be damned, I usually need to watch my shows and see how they wrap up as the networks bring their seasons to a close. We can’t say tube anymore can we…in front of the…uh..screen. Anyway…with so many season finales and series finales, May is usually filled with suspense, anticipation of… Continue reading

My Idol Crush, Over Before It Began.

As an objective observer, I’m not supposed to have a favorite while covering my yes-I-take-it-seriously beat American Idol for WSJ. But I do/did. I had a not-so-secret-crush on Paul McDonald. His raspy voice and cute and perfect smile. Good thing he’s the oldest of the crowd this season or I guess it would be extra weird. I interviewed him yesterday and well, there will be no KutcherMoore match-up here because… Continue reading

Urban Skinny NYC – Coming Soon(ish)

Hey Skinny Set – This is the guide book for you. It’s 500 calorie dinner picks (and some lunch) at 100 NYC hotspots. We went hood to hood, cuisine by cuisine…developing a little booklet to tell you what you should order. Tough job, but someone had to do it.

It hits the shelves in December 2011. It’s… Continue reading

American Idol: Tough Choices

Well – tough choice folks. All the Idol-ettes were pretty strong tonight on American Idol. Read my blog-within-a-blog.… Continue reading

Skies: Not-So-Friendly

There is no longer any cache to flying. At all. It’s simply not fun.

The airlines have stripped the experience down to the bare bones and for me the final straw has emerged: Continental charges for TV. Not for headphones…but for the gift of watching the little, static screen in front of you. $6! Unless you pay with your Continental MasterCard – then it’s $4. AND if you choose… Continue reading

A Short Story. Too Short.

Journalists all share an obsession with a few things: we love free food and booze, we must be the first to tell any story — big or small, and we love news and information. We seek it out, we drink it up like sponges and we’re a bit obsessed with following it and then reporting it.

I heard about something that happened recently, in Pompano Beach, Florida. I immediately scoured local news sources online to get some details. I spent hours looking for any tidbit of info I could find on this event, which had really shaken me up. Nothing. So I slept on it, and searched again the next day. I checked the New York outlets too, because the story was about a fellow New Yorker. Nothing. Weeks later…after this story unfolded…still nothing. Not a word written anywhere that I could find. I truly expected to find something, some little report or blurb, somewhere. Nothing. Continue reading